About The Ninja

Nick Kinser 2019 Aquatic Experience

Nick Kinser, The Ninja Aquascaper

Nick has over 15 years experience in planted aquariums—and a passion for aquascaping. An active member of the Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association (GWAPA) and manager at the Glenn Echo Park Aquarium (GEPA), Nick is well versed in assembling, creating, and maintaining all sizes and genres of aquariums. Located in Sterling Virginia, outside of Washington DC, Ninja Aquascaping also includes a maintenance service. Scroll down for some videos he’s been featured in and his career award highlights.

Want the beauty and health benefits of an aquarium in your home or office but don’t have the time or knowledge to start or maintain it yourself? Ninja Aquascaping can help! 

Learn More about Ninja Services!




The AGA International Aquascaping Contest, Paludarium Category, 1st Place

The AGA International Aquascaping Contest, Biotope Category, 2nd Place


The Aquatic Experience, Large Tank Team Category, 2nd Place

The Aquatic Experience, Nano Category, 3rd Place

The Big Fish Deal, Small Tank Category, 1st Place, People’s Choice, and Best In Show


The Aquatic Experience, Large Tank Team Category, 2nd Place

The Big Fish Deal, Medium Tank Category, 2nd Place and Best Planted Tank


The Aquatic Experience, Large Tank Team Category, 1st Place

Nick Kinser Aquascaping Awards

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